INFO-Telecom Shpk


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INFO-Telecom Shpk

Company Information

  • Total Jobs 0 Jobs
  • Location
  • Rruga/Zona Rr. Dervish Hima, No. 1, Ada Tower, 1st Floor
  • Tel/Mob +355 69 70 83100

About Us

20 years in Telecommunications!

Our of experience as a electronic communications operator has enabled us to create a service suitable to all players in the industry.

INFO-Telecom ICS is part of Gjonaj Group.

We provide International Voice Carrier services at the highest quality, based on advanced technological solutions in IT, and on the work of a international team of professional Commercial Managers and engineers with an experience of 20+ years in the industry. With 300+ interconnection agreements in over 56 countries, we terminate 2.5+ Billion Min/Year to our top regions such as Balkans, East and Western Europe, Africa and Middle East, and Americas.

Our Vision: Having accomplished of becoming an International Carrier, we are determined to expand our presence worldwide and offer a one stop solution to all of our partners.